Birth Announcement

We are very excited to announce that our Spring hedge-babies are starting to appear. Escapade has 2 babies in her first litter, on May 1st, and she is being an extrodinary mom. Slush, Escapade's mom, is also an extrodinary mom and she has fostered several times for moms who could not or would not take care of their own babies. We are counting on Escapade to have inherated her mother's affinity for raising babies just in case we need her to take in some extra babies from another mother (Unfortunately not all hedgehogs make good moms, so it is good to have one who is willing to foster another mother's babies). Once Escapade raises her litter, she will be traveling south to go live with Stasi and become a member of the Terrapin Hedgehogs herd.

Decal gave birth to several little pink things just moments ago. The birth was a few days ahead of schedule (or maybe I mis-counted), so the babies were discovered when I accidently disturbed her nest (hey, it was treat time). The babies were so fresh that she hadn't even finished cleaning the last one off. That was a big mistake on my part, because you should never disturb a new nest. Fortunately, Decal is a seasoned mom, and known to be rather tolerant of my meddling.

Still, I won't be bothering her for awhile. New moms require their privacy and will destroy a litter if they feel threatened. Decal's line are known for their incredible personalities. Her sister, Detail, resides at Terrapin Hedgehogs. One of Decal's baby girls is the new spokes-hedgie for Hedgie's Hot Stuff salsa.
